Writer Robert Orci in Talks to Direct Star Trek 3


Paramount were left with a huge void and a troubling situation on their hands when director of the Star Trek reboot’s first two installments, JJ Abrams, uprooted himself to a galaxy far, far away to helm a new Star Wars sequel at Disney. Stepping in to those rather large shoes could be screenwriter Robert Orci, reports Deadline, in a directorial debut. It seems like a somewhat logical step as Orci has written both Enterprise outings with partner Alex Kurtzman, and had writing success with other huge series such as Transformers and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Okay, so perhaps it’s not Spock-level logical.

This marks a continued trend to have successful professionals step up to the role of director such as Snow White and the Huntsman and Maleficent. But it isn’t exactly a safe bet. See: cinematographer Wally Pfister’s critical bruising and lacklustre box-office of sci-fi Transendence. Deadline alleges that partners Skydance Productions are waving the Robert Orci flag, whilst Paramount is still debating. Fans of Abrams’ touch may take slight comfort in the fact that he will likely still be involved in a Producer role.