Emma Stone & Joaquin Phoenix Cast in Next Woody Allen Movie


Straight off of her work in Magic in the Moonlight, her first role for the veteran filmmaker, Emma Stone will be joining once again with Woody Allen on an untitled film shooting this year.  Allen, since the late 1970’s, has been accustomed to directing a film every year, from scripts he’s mostly written by himself, and Stone joins a cast that currently also has Joaquin Phoenix in the lead (his first for the director).

Allen often finds a ‘muse’ and stick with them for a few films if not more – of course the longest collaborations and fondest remembered were ones with Diane Keaton and Mia Farrow, who did seven and thirteen films respectively.  But there are others such as Judy Davis (of Husbands and Wives and Deconstructing Harry), Diane Weist (who won two Oscars for Hannah and Her Sisters and Bullets Over Broadway), and most recently Scarlett Johansson (Match Point, Scoop and Vicky Cristina Barcelona).  It shouldn’t be too surprising that Allen might take to Stone with her spot-on comic timing and classic movie-star appeal (the former can be seen in the likes of Easy A, the latter in a pic like Gangster Squad).

And as with all of Allen’s films, the plot won’t be known for some time – or at least until it is leaked by some insider – as well as the title of the film.  The filmmaker and actress have ‘Moonlight’, another foreign production set in 1920’s Paris (described on IMDb as a “romantic comedy about an Englishman brought in to help unmask a possible swindle”) due out this year.  A UK release is unspecified on IMDb; the US is listed for July 25th.  The pic also stars Colin Firth and Jacki Weaver.  No other casting for the 2015 Allen movie has been announced at this time.

Stone currently can be seen practically worldwide in Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Phoenix has a new film, The Immigrant, opening stateside in a little over a week.

Jack is a graduate of film studies from William Paterson University in Wayne, NJ, and is currently seeking his MFA in Screenwriting at the Academy of Art. He is a screen-writer, film critic, director, and editor, and has also done camera-work for web-series, doccumentaries and shorts. Currently Jack is seeking distribution for his feature film drama, “Green Eyes“, co-produced a sci-fi feature, Audrey Lorea‘s ‘Heaven is Now.‘, as well as a comedy pilot called ‘Losers’ which is being shopped around to networks. He is also a contributing writer for the sites FocusFilm.co.uk, Film Forward, and some of his other reviews can be found on his blogcinetarium.blogspot.com. Jack is a vociferous fan of films and will watch anything interesting, foreign and domestic. He survives by his wife, a political science professor, and currently resides in Little Ferry, New Jersey, USA.