Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, played by Evan Peters, makes his cinematic debut in 20th Century Fox’s X-Men: Days of Future Past and can be glimpsed on the new Power Piece teaser above. In the comics, the mutant is son of Magneto but details on how his first big screen outing will be adapted are unclear.
Quicksilver will also appear (unreleated to Peter’s incarnation) in Disney’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, played there by Aaron Taylor-Johnson and accompanied by his sister Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen). Confused? I’m not surprised. As part of the Marvel roster both studios have rights to the character provided that Disney does not refer to the Maximoff siblings as mutants.
But Evan Peter’s interpretation seems incredibly fun and an intriguing addition to the X-Men line-up. As this Quicksilver is running (very fast) out the gate first, time will tell which version is preferred by fanboys and fangirls across the globe when Avengers 2 hits theaters next year.
X-Men: Days of Future Past is released May 22.