Not one to miss out on a good laugh, Hugh Jackman was on a BBC 1’s pop culture heavy Matt Edmonson Show and was given an opportunity he’d never had just yet – to be singing about his character Wolverine.
Reading off of spoof lyrics, Jackman sung about himself in almost existential terms as an actor and/or Wolverine, as if he was doing a number from Les Miserables:
Who am I?
Am I a superhero with some claws?
Or just an actor searching for applause?
Wolverine has all the fans
But what about me, Hugh Jackman?
Although he misses the high-note at the end, it showed to the folks at BBC 1 as well as the British public how game Jackman is to mock his persona – albeit all in promotion for the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past release which hits cinemas in May (and, as further promotion, Jackman will be returning as host of the Tony Awards in June).
You can see the full video before. Find it funny? What was the highlight (for me it was about his crazy work-out schedule: (I’m at the gym doing weights each day/Hugh has got to look buff, they say)? Wish he has hit that high note? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter @FocusFilm.