Analysts have come to the conclusion that, despite it’s strong $28 million domestic open, Gavin Hood‘s “Ender’s Game” will not be the latest in a long line of franchises, targeted at a young adult audience.
According to MKM Partners analyst Eric Handler, “The film did not draw well from young adults, despite the book’s popularity. Roughly 54 percent of the audience was over the age of 25. A good but not great CinemaScore of B+ is not likely to hold moviegoer interest, with Thor: The Dark World opening next week.”
Similar estimations from Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. analyst Ben Mogil, suggest that the Ender’s Game, with it’s hefty $110 million budget, should generate no more than $75 million in box office, especially in battle with the opening of the Thor sequel.
It’s no mystery where the experts are coming from, after all it would be difficult to start a franchise through when the films target audience hasn’t been successfully captured. When a film based on a popular series of young adult novels draws more adult than young adult viewers, there is a serious problem – however having only recently opened, there is still a chance for the film to regain it’s fanbase.
Starring Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld and Abigail Breslin, Enders Game is out now.