Kristen Stewart Starts Filming Role in Tim Blake Nelson’s ‘Anesthesia’

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Kristen Stewart recently joined the cast of Anesthesia, taking on a reasonably small role in the indie project. The film, by the multi-talented O Brother Where Art Thou? star Tim Blake Nelson surrounds a group of New Yorkers “whose lives are touched by the same philosophy professor.” according to Deadline’s plot summary.

Stewart is filming for several days in New York for her minor role, the film is supposedly a small project and shooting began in Manhattan on Monday. The actress was snapped on set in tears, preparing for an emotional role. She wore autumnal clothing for the night shoot. The Twilight star is filming alongside Sam Waterston, star of TV series The Newsroom as well as Law and Order.

Stewart has a very busy schedule at the moment, with four other projects in the pipeline, three of which are also indies. She will star in Peter Sattler’s Camp X-Ray, followed by Sils Maria, starring alongside Chole Grace Moretz. Her role in The Big Shoe has been announced, working with Jim Sturgess and Elizabeth Banks, as has a sequel to Snow White and the Huntsman

Stewart and Co-Star Sam Waterston

Stewart and Co-Star Sam Waterston

Holly is a Film Studies graduate from Salford Uni with a love for all things film and a soft spot for Simon Pegg. She has studied a range of world cinema and also film journalism. She likes drawing, cooking, cinema-going, writing and earl grey tea. She bakes a rather decent cake too.